Optimize your profit representation with CAST - Cost Alignment Scraping Tool. Adjust GL accounts, eliminate balance sheet variances, and manage costs with two powerful modes: transaction adjustments and journal creation.


About CAST

The Cost Alignment Scraping Tool (CAST) is a specialized application designed to ensure accurate profit representation by addressing erratic and frequent cost variances in General Ledger (GL) accounts. By aligning amounts in affected accounts, CAST helps eliminate large discrepancies on balance sheets, offering businesses a clear and precise financial outlook.

CAST provides two operational modes to cater to varied needs. The first mode focuses on transaction adjustments, amending values on physical transactions causing imbalances and performing essential relinks to maintain integrity. The second mode enables the creation of journal entries between affected accounts and the profit and loss statement, simplifying the alignment process.

With CAST, businesses can efficiently manage cost alignment challenges, ensuring streamlined financial operations and improved balance sheet accuracy.

Explore the features of

Accurate Profit Representation

Accurate Profit Representation

Ensure financial statements reflect precise profit by adjusting accounts affected by cost variances.
Optimized for Direct Supply Operations

Optimized for Direct Supply Operations

Tailored for businesses with direct-to-customer delivery, including online retailers and service providers.
Seamless Goods and Sales Matching

Seamless Goods and Sales Matching

Effortlessly link goods received with corresponding sales transactions.
Updated Transaction Costs

Updated Transaction Costs

Automatically apply accurate costs from matched GRVs to sales transactions.
GL Account Alignment for Stability

GL Account Alignment for Stability

Eliminate significant balance sheet discrepancies by aligning General Ledger accounts.

and many more...

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  • 2 Ncondo Place, Ridgeside
  • Umhlanga Ridge
  • Durban
  • South Africa